We all understand how important reviews and social proof is for your business. Just think of the steps you take when you’re looking for a new product or service. You may ask your friends or network for referrals, but you will most definitely check online reviews.
97% of consumers report that “customer reviews” influence their purchasing decisions.
Source: Spiegel Research Center
Why focus on Google My Business?
Reviews on Google My Business are some of the most visible reviews that exist for local businesses as they appear right on the search result page when people are searching for your product or service. Not only are they incredibly visible, reviews using words that match your products and services can also help your rankings for certain search terms.
Users can search reviews for common words if they relate to your business when they are mentioned enough times in your reviews. This is important because it allows searchers to see not only the types of services or products you are most known for, but also what you are like to work with, showing terms like, “pleasure” and “excellent customer service”.